
7 Effective Test Taking Strategies for any Math Test

Effective test-taking strategies for math?!  You may be asking yourself, what in the world are you talking about!  How can we make taking math tests simple yet effective for our students?  Well, I’m here to tell you I have 7 effective test-taking strategies that will work for any math test! 


7 Effective Test-Taking Strategies for any Math Test


This includes math tests you would give to your students in class and those dreaded standardized math tests that the states make our students do.  


I don’t know about you, but my students have always struggled on their standardized math tests until I found a few tips and strategies that I have shared with them along the way.  


Now I can’t keep all of this amazing goodness to myself, so I’m sharing my 7 effective test-taking strategies for your math students to use today!  This post will be short and sweet so that you can help your students implement these test-taking strategies for any math test today! 


I love quick wins and it’s also the perfect time right before standardized tests start.  


Test-Taking Tips for Math  


  • #1   Do any of the Constructed Response Questions first  


  • #2  Take your time


  • #3  Read all questions thoroughly  


  • #4  Eliminate Answers


  • #5 Use the Provided Formula Sheet


  • #6  Use a calculator if allowed AND use scratch paper


  • #7  Don’t stress!


7 Test Taking Tips for taking any Math Test


What are some Test-Taking Strategies? 


Now that we have talked about each of the effective tips for taking math tests, let’s look at the tips and strategies in more detail below.  These are the exact tips and verbiage that you can give to your students.  If you are a student and happened to come across this post, Welcome!  I hope you find these tips useful to you! 


Tip #1  Do any of the Constructed Response Questions first  


Before you look at any of the other questions, find the constructed response questions also known as open-ended word problems, and do these questions first.  These take the most brainpower and you’ll want to have the most energy to do these problems first.  


If you’re looking for a tried and true method on how to solve ANY word problem, you can check out my last 2 posts on my unique problem-solving strategy that I use with my students:


There is even a FREE workshop that you can attend!




Tip #2  Take your time


Do not rush through the test!  Take your time and check your answers.  One of the strategies that I talk about the most is checking your answers.  Take the time and go back and make sure that your answers make sense.  If you have solved anything algebraically, plug your answer back into the equation and see if it works! 


Tip #3  Read all questions thoroughly  


You will want to read all the questions thoroughly and make sure you know and understand what the question is asking you. 


What are some test-taking strategies that you can use to take any math test?


Test-Taking Strategies for Math Multiple Choice  


Tip #4  Eliminate Answers


Multiple-choice tests usually have 2 answers that are similar and 2 answers that do not make sense.  You can eliminate the choices that don’t make any sense and then you will only have 2 answer choices to choose from.  

Solve the problem and choose the best one out of the choices.  You can also use your answers to help you solve the problem if you are unsure of what to do.  


Test-taking-Strategies for math Multiple Choice Tests


Test-Taking Skills for Math


Tip #5 Use the Provided Formula Sheet


Use the provided formula sheet so that you don’t have to remember formulas off the top of your head!


Tip #6  Use a calculator if allowed AND use scratch paper


I’m combining both of these because you will want to write out all of your work and use a calculator if you’re allowed.  I know our standardized state test has a non-calculator portion for the first few questions, but after that use your calculator!


Tip #7  Don’t stress!


Stressing out over the test will just create more math anxiety.  Just relax and you’ll do fine! 


Test-taking Skills for Math


Math Test-Taking Strategies High School 


The best way that I have found to help my middle and high school students take their math exams is to make sure they are well prepared and have been practicing the content in class.  Before any test, I work on my students’ confidence doing the math itself.  

I found these mini cards at Hallmark and I wrote a note of encouragement to each of my students on the testing day.   It made them so happy and confident that they told me that it helped motivate them to do their very best!  

Talking about motivation.  Do your students struggle with being motivated during your math class?  If the answer is yes, then my top 5 secrets to keeping your math students motivated and engaged guide is just what you need! 


I hope these strategies will help your students with all of their math testing in your classroom.   I especially hope that they help them on the standardized tests.  We all know how important those are!


Want these strategies and more in-depth info on the material above?  Also a bookmark you can give to your students to help them take tests with confidence and ease?  Head on over to 7 Effective Test-Taking Strategies for any Math Test or fill in your info below!

Love, Robin

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Hey there! My name is Robin and I am a secondary math teacher with over 19 years of experience! If you're a teacher looking for help with all the tips, tricks, and strategies for passing the praxis math core test, you're in the right place! I also create engaging secondary math resources for grades 7-12!

Hi, I'm Robin!

 I am a secondary math teacher with over 19 years of experience! If you’re a teacher looking for help with all the tips, tricks, and strategies for passing the praxis math core test, you’re in the right place!

I also create engaging secondary math resources for grades 7-12! 

Learn more about me and how I can help you here .

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