Hello Hello or should I say Tweet Tweet?!

Hello and welcome to The Round Robin Blog!  I am so very excited to get started on my blogging journey with all of you! 

So why The Round Robin Blog and what does it mean?  Well, my name is Robin and I am a Junior-Senior High School Mathematics teacher, a wannabe teacher resource maker, and a decorating enthusiast.

The Round Robin Blog is where I will document all of these ideas and it will be a Round Robin of Topics so to speak!  I could probably say Random Robin or Repeater Robin too because those would’ve been great blog names as well! Haha!

Excited is an understatement when I talk about starting this blog!  I am hoping to find my writer’s voice. Those of you who personally know me will hopefully be able to “hear” it as well! 

Wanting to help fellow 7-12th-grade mathematics teachers, mamas, decorators, or just my family because they feel sorry for me and want to support me is a huge goal of mine as well.  

The idea of starting this blog came from a bunch of different reasons and mostly it came from believing in myself and to stop worrying about what other people think of me.

A conversation with my oldest daughter one night led to the creation of this blog.  I realized everything I was saying to her was what I needed to say to myself!  She was starting to doubt herself in her ability to do something she had already done. 

I said to her “Don’t let doubt get into your head to make you believe that you can’t do what you already know how to do.” 

Also: “Believe in yourself and tell yourself that you can and you will.”  

It’s as simple as that.  With those words spoken to her, I said to myself, I have always wanted to start a lifestyle blog emphasized on teaching and home decor, so what is holding me back?

FEAR!  You guessed it! FEAR, what a crazy 4 letter word, that has a personal effect on so many people to stop reaching for their goals and chasing their dreams. 

Fear is what is holding me back!  So I’m here to say that I’m doing it, listening to my own words of wisdom and I hope you all enjoy the journey as much as I will!  

I can’t wait to see where this little blog of mine takes me!

Tweet Tweet!  (Not so sure I’ll say this each time!) 

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Hey there! My name is Robin and I am a secondary math teacher with over 19 years of experience! If you're a teacher looking for help with all the tips, tricks, and strategies for passing the praxis math core test, you're in the right place! I also create engaging secondary math resources for grades 7-12!

Hi, I'm Robin!

 I am a secondary math teacher with over 19 years of experience! If you’re a teacher looking for help with all the tips, tricks, and strategies for passing the praxis math core test, you’re in the right place!

I also create engaging secondary math resources for grades 7-12! 

Learn more about me and how I can help you here .

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