
How to Improve your Students’ Confidence with Problem Solving Skills in Math

Hey guys!  I’m back with more information on how I work with my students on their problem-solving skills in my math classroom.  In case you missed it I shared my 5 easy steps to solve ANY word problem in my last blog post.  

So in case, you’re wondering?  Robin why are you repeating yourself?!  Well, if you haven’t been here before let me welcome you into my little space of all things random repeating math topics!  

In case you need a summary, most students struggle with word problems and do not even attempt to try to solve them! 

The exact phrases I have heard include:  “I don’t know how to do this!” Even when they just solved several problems on the exact same skill set.  

The best is when you see an IDK written on their paper!

How do we stop this craziness with students’ lack of confidence in their problem-solving skills?





How to Improve Mathematical Problem-Solving Skills


The first attempt at getting students to improve their mathematical problem-solving skills is to allow thinking to happen.  Too many times as teachers we don’t make time for word problems because they are tedious to teach and there is never a 1 size fits all approach to every problem.  

However, I have implemented a technique that can help students become successful problem solvers.  




Problem-Solving Techniques in Math


My method is based on the 4 steps basic method, but I break it down into 5 steps.  The main reason I am obsessed with my problem-solving method is 1 thing and 1 thing only:  Consistency!   

Students can stay consistent in problem-solving and be confident and successful at the same time.  

No more IDK’s on their papers! 




Problem-Solving Strategies in Mathematics


Like I mentioned in my last post we are going to help our students SOLVE each and every problem that they encounter with CONFIDENCE!

So what exactly does SOLVE stand for:

  • S– State the objective 

 What is the question asking you?

  • O– Outline your plan 

What problem-solving strategy are you going to use?  

  • L– Look for Key Details – Information 

What keywords and or facts are needed or are extra. 

  • V–  Verify and Solve

Verify your strategy and solve the problem

  • E– Explain and check your solution

Write out a written explanation of your work and check that your solution makes sense.


problem-solving-techniques -in-math


Teaching Problem-Solving Strategies in Math


What exact strategies do you need to include in helping your students SOLVE any word problem that they encounter?  

A list of strategies that I use in my classroom include:

  • Write an equation or use a formula
  • Make it simpler
  • Word backward
  • Look for a pattern
  • Make an organized list or table
  • Make a model or Act it out
  • Draw a picture or graph
  • Logical thinking
  • Divide and Conquer 
  • Guess and Test


I’m going to be showing you how I do this process with my students in my first ever FREE Problem Solving Workshop! I’m super excited and I hope that you will join me! Don’t worry this workshop will be recorded and will live on forever and ever! 


This simple consistent problem-solving method will most definitely give your students the confidence to say I DO KNOW instead of I Don’t know!  

Need more ideas to motivate your students in the classroom?

Let me know if I’ll see you in my FREE workshop!

Love Robin

PS.  Need the SOLVE method for your bulletin board for your students’ math journals/notebooks?  Check out this bulletin board resource here:

problem solving bulletin board
problem-solving bulletin board

PPS.  Need more problem-solving strategies in the classroom? I found this amazing article here!

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Hey there! My name is Robin and I am a secondary math teacher with over 19 years of experience! If you're a teacher looking for help with all the tips, tricks, and strategies for passing the praxis math core test, you're in the right place! I also create engaging secondary math resources for grades 7-12!

Hi, I'm Robin!

 I am a secondary math teacher with over 19 years of experience! If you’re a teacher looking for help with all the tips, tricks, and strategies for passing the praxis math core test, you’re in the right place!

I also create engaging secondary math resources for grades 7-12! 

Learn more about me and how I can help you here .

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